[dmd-internals] OSX 64 bit

Don Clugston dclugston at googlemail.com
Wed Nov 30 01:30:08 PST 2011

On 30 November 2011 09:27, Walter Bright <walter at digitalmars.com> wrote:
> The compiler is passing the test suite now, the only failure is in the unit
> tests of std.bigint. Anyhow, any brave souls who want to try it out should
> have a go!

If anyone tries it, please help me fix the bigint failure by telling
me the result of:

import std.bigint;
import std.stdio;

string toHex(BigInt x)
    string outbuff="";
    void sink(const(char)[] s) { outbuff ~= s; }
    x.toString(&sink, "%x");
    return outbuff;

void main()

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