[dmd-internals] [D-Programming-Language/dmd] 2f7ce3: add gc for Windows dmd

Walter Bright walter at digitalmars.com
Sat Sep 24 15:53:44 PDT 2011

I've gotten similar results. It's worse than I'd thought it would be. The 
addition of the gc substantially slows things down. Granted, the gc could be 
tuned, but this is a very inauspicious start.

Of course, the test suite is all small programs. How a large one behaved would 
be interesting.

Fortunately, the gc can be swapped in and out with a commenting/uncommenting 2 
lines in win32.mak.

On 9/24/2011 2:10 PM, Brad Roberts wrote:
> Looks like the execution time for dmd and phobos have increased fairly
> substantially since the gc was checked in.
>    http://d.puremagic.com/test-results/platform-history.ghtml?os=Win_32
>    http://d.puremagic.com/test-results/platform-history.ghtml?os=Linux_32
> The linux link is just for comparison to show that no increase has
> occurred there.  On windows the phobos test time has increased from
> approx 8 minutes to approx 10 minutes, or 25%.  The dmd test has
> increased from approx 27 minutes (much more variation and I didn't
> compute an average or std dev) to approx 39 minutes (with only one
> completed data point so far, so, well, grain of salt), almost doubling.
> A few more runs will help show the averages better, but still worth
> being concerned about.  That's a significant performance hit to the
> compiler.

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