[dmd-internals] Oldest five bugs

Jesse Phillips jesse.k.phillips at gmail.com
Wed Jan 18 20:38:44 PST 2012

On Wed, Jan 18, 2012 at 3:34 PM, Leandro Lucarella <luca at llucax.com.ar> wrote:
> And again, the age of a bug is only relevant when users actually *hit*
> the bug.

Someone did hit the bug, and they entered it 5 years ago. Sure you
want to give current users higher priority, just as you give paying
customers better support.

I think it is very good to have a process where every bug is on a path
to resolution. Or another point, it is good to review the bugs, like
finding those that have already been fixed, so they are not

Looking at the last several release, 70-100 dmd bugs being fixed, 5
seems like a reasonable number to not take away from regressions and
other work.

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