[dmd-internals] Oldest five bugs

Leandro Lucarella luca at llucax.com.ar
Thu Jan 19 02:32:24 PST 2012

Andrei Alexandrescu, el 18 de enero a las 17:08 me escribiste:
> >Do you have any evidence for that?
> I do. Every so often people in forums mention "... and that issue is
> opened since 2007 at critical level and with a patch too!"

Well, that's not only the age, is the *critical* level and the fact that
there is a *patch* which makes it really outrageous! As I said before it
does make sense to fix older bugs first if they have the same importance
and patch availability...

> One person who submitted a bunch of pertinent bug reports and
> patches that stayed ignored for years became the most vocal D
> naysayer on reddit and in IRC. The declared reason was precisely
> this - that there's there's no due process for bugs that are
> important to some, even when accompanied by patches and discussed
> repeatedly. That person alone did very, very much damage to D's
> image in those forums.

I totally agree about this. Bugs with *patches* shouldn't be ignored,
EVER. At least there should be feedback about why they are not being
applied, if they never will should be closed as WONTFIX and if they need
more work that should be told sooner than later, so people can improve
the quality of their patches.

Leandro Lucarella (AKA luca)                     http://llucax.com.ar/
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