[dmd-internals] Questions: how consttructors and postblits work with qualifiers
kenji hara
k.hara.pg at gmail.com
Wed May 9 02:10:29 PDT 2012
I have some questions for the spec of struct object construction and copying.
I hope that Walter and Andrei gives the answers.
Question 1:
This is about syntax question.
If struct S has no constructor, struct literal syntax fills the
fields with arguments.
-> S(a0, a1, ...) is similar to:
{ S s; s.field0=a0, s.field1=a1, ..., return s; }()
-> S() is valid and it is same as S.init.
If struct S has some constructors, it is always used for struct
literal syntax.
-> S(...) always calls one of constructors. It there is no match,
raises compile error.
-> S() is always invalid, because constructor should have one or
more parameters.
This is my understanding, is it right?
Question 2:
If S has a constructor which it gets one argument and its type is
not a kind of S:
struct S {
this(int n) { ... }
S s1 = 1; // runs this(int n) implicitly.
S s2 = S(1); // same as above
This is filed as issue 7019 and 4875 in bugzilla.
Is this a bug or feature? I think it is useful feature for such
types like BigInt.
And should it work in module scope?
Question 3:
If S has a constructor which it gets one argument and its type is
a kind of S:
struct S {
this(S src) { ... }
this(const S src) { ... }
this(immutable S src) { ... }
It works as *copy constructor* and called on initialization with copying.
S sm;
immutable S si = immutable(S)(sm); // calls this(immutable S
src) explicitly
immutable S si = sm; // calls this(immutable S src) instead of
blit copying
This is a feature explained in TDPL, but I think it is not good.
a. If S has a postblit, it seems to me that they conflicts each other.
b. If S has no mutable indirection and no postblit, we can switch
object qualifier
with blit copying, like built-types. (e.g. int n; immutable int m = n;)
In the case, I think copy constructors won't work. Is it right?
It seems to me that copy constructor concept conflicts with postblit one.
Question 4:
Qualified postblits should work?
struct S {
this(this) {}
this(this) immutable {}
S sm;
const S sc = sm; // runs this(this)? or runs only blit copy? [X]
immutable S si = sm; // runs this(this)immutable?
But, with current dmd, multiple postblits conflicts each other.
Even if should do, I can't imagine how they works in some cases, like [X].
Kenji Hara
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