[dmd-internals] [D-Programming-Language/dmd] 588161: Add option to show deprecated errors as warnings

Leandro Lucarella luca at llucax.com.ar
Tue Nov 13 03:01:45 PST 2012

Jonathan M Davis, el 12 de November a las 23:41 me escribiste:
> On Monday, November 12, 2012 11:08:23 Leandro Lucarella wrote:
> > I'll be more than happy to make the changes if you convince Walter to merge
> > them, it took me more than an year to convince him of this change, and it
> > was completely backwards compatible :D
> I'd suggest that you create such a pull request ASAP so that we at least stand 
> some chance of it getting merged in before the next release (otherwise, we'll 
> have had a release with -di). Walter may or may not merge it, but we certainly 
> won't be able to get him to if it doesn't exist, and given how this sort of 
> thing tends to fall by the wayside, it wouldn't surprise me if we couldn't 
> even get Walter to decide one way or the other on it until a pull request 
> exists on it, and he has to decide whether to merge it or not. Granted, it 
> could languish like the last one, but it may get higher priority since it 
> relates to a pull request which was just merged.

I understand, and once more, I'll create the patch without knowing if it will
end up in /dev/null. But honestly, is not nice to waste people's time. Is not
that hard giving people some feedback. But I guess Walter doesn't work like
that. Yet. We are slowly changing him :P


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