[dmd-internals] [OT] Re: DMD build still borked

Jacob Carlborg doob at me.com
Fri Sep 28 00:36:24 PDT 2012

On Sep 28, 2012, at 02:24 AM, Jonathan M Davis <jmdavisProg at gmx.com> wrote:

> I just search for the specific pull request I care about using the browsers
> search function, and I'd be doing that no matter what the page layout was
> because manually looking will always be slower unless it's somehow guaranteed
> that the specific pull(s) that you care about are always at the top (which
> obviously isn't going to happen). Having it laid out by pull request# as it
> is now seems perfectly logical to me.
I would say it depends on your workflow. If one starts by looking for pull request on github then your approch seems to be the best. But if one start on the pull tester when search for a pull request to review/merge then one would most likely want to see all the pull requests that passes first.

/Jacob Carlborg
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