[dmd-internals] DMD copyright assignment

Leandro Lucarella via dmd-internals dmd-internals at puremagic.com
Wed Jun 25 06:47:28 PDT 2014

David Nadlinger via dmd-internals, el 25 de June a las 02:19 me escribiste:

I agree with all this, thanks for putting it so nicely.

>    A.4) b) Somebody discovers that the Boost license actually
> carries some restrictions that nobody thought of before, meaning
> that it is in fact not the near-perfect emulation of "do anything
> you want, as long as you retain the copyright notices" we want it to
> be.
> So, with 4) b), we have identified a single situation where it would
> be beneficial to have a single copyright owner for the project. In

And I want to state that not even this is a huge problem if we allow the
code to be used with a newer version of the Boost license too, same as
people using the GPL do. That's all you need to overcome this issue.

Leandro Lucarella (AKA luca)                     http://llucax.com.ar/
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