[ENet-discuss] ENet and PHP's socket library

GhostManZero ghostmanzero at lutherlink.de
Tue Sep 25 01:24:25 PDT 2007

   Hello everyone,

   I would like to know if it would be possible to use PHP's socket  
library to connect to a ENet server and be able to send and receive  
messages, as i'd like to try to do a simple PHP script where my script  
connects to a ENet Game Server and fetches the total ammount of  
players online.

   Would such thing be possible under PHP? If so, would anyone mind  
telling me a bit of how i should proceed?

   I'm not a PHP newbie, so if you just point me out to the functions  
i must use, and in what way, i can take care of it myself.

   Thank you for your time!
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