[ENet-discuss] Enet and NAT hole punching

M. Rijks enet at forge.dds.nl
Thu Jan 8 15:36:29 PST 2009

Yes, Daniel, I thought about having to bypass E-net itself somehow but  
as much as I can, I'd like to use this guaranteed UDP delivery. I can  
always make it connect to the remote service first - that at least  
exposes a public IP for a start.

Martin, thank you for your elaborate reply. I was aware that there is  
no fool-proof method to expose a public IP and port for a connection,  
but it seems to have a fair chance against private network routers.  
I'm not planning to penetrate corporate firewalls, but I'm pretty  
pessimistic about casual game players knowing about port forwarding.  
I'll just have to work up against their ignorance. :)

I didn't know about STUN servers, very convenient there are actually  
some libraries for that around. I might be able to link that to a  
custom-made lobby system somehow. I guess I've got something to think  
about during my holidays.

Thanks again!

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