[ENet-discuss] ENet 1.2.1

Lee Salzman lsalzman1 at cox.net
Thu Nov 12 17:14:14 PST 2009

Since there were some little bug fixes and changes that had been 
languishing in CVS (and used in production) for well over a year now, I 
thought it was about time I bundled them up into a release already.

Thus, ENet 1.2.1: http://enet.bespin.org/download/enet-1.2.1.tar.gz

The changes are roughly:

* fixed bug that could cause disconnect events to be dropped
* added thin wrapper around select() for portable usage
* added ENET_SOCKOPT_REUSEADDR socket option
* factored enet_socket_bind()/enet_socket_listen() out of 
* added contributed Code::Blocks build file

If you were just using the regular ENet API, then this update should be 
100% safe and fix a bug or two for you. If you were using the unofficial 
socket bits, there may be one or two small changes you have to make, but 
on a whole the socket wrappers should be a teency bit more general now.


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