[ENet-discuss] Packet throttling: it's the little things...

Philip Bennefall philip at blastbay.com
Mon Dec 20 02:53:47 PST 2010

Hi Lee,

Would you be able to provide a link on the ENet website that retrieves something like a tarball with the latest revision? I have trouble accessing cvs a lot of the time so something like that would really help me a lot. I'd like to put this update into my game engine.


Kind regards,

Philip Bennefall
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Lee Salzman 
  To: Discussion of the ENet library 
  Sent: Monday, December 20, 2010 3:48 AM
  Subject: Re: [ENet-discuss] Packet throttling: it's the little things...

  On 12/20/2010 12:21 PM, Kabil Akpınar wrote: 
    2010/12/20 Lee Salzman <lsalzman at gmail.com>

      Problem solved in one damned line of code. Oh, how blind I was. :( -> :)

    So where did you put that damned one line of code? 

    Kabil Akpınar

  As per commit to ENet cvs:

  Index: protocol.c
  RCS file: /var/lib/cvs/enet/enet/protocol.c,v
  retrieving revision 1.34
  retrieving revision 1.35
  diff -r1.34 -r1.35
  <           if (peer -> reliableDataInTransit + outgoingCommand -> fragmentLength > peer -> windowSize)
  >           enet_uint32 windowSize = (peer -> packetThrottle * peer -> windowSize) / ENET_PEER_PACKET_THROTTLE_SCALE;
  >           if (peer -> reliableDataInTransit + outgoingCommand -> fragmentLength > ENET_MAX (windowSize, peer -> mtu))

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