[ENet-discuss] Waiting for host.

Вячеслав Блинников slavmfm at gmail.com
Mon Jan 3 14:25:53 PST 2011

Hello. I need client permanently trying to connect to me (host) while host
will not be raised and accept a connection. So, the following code,
presumably, trying to connect each 5 seconds:

    const char* url    = "localhost";
>     const int port    = 1301;
>     ENetAddress address;
>     /* Connect to url:port. */
>     enet_address_set_host(&address, url);
>     address.port    = port;
>     /* Initiate the connection, allocating the one channel. */
>     ENetPeer* peer    = enet_host_connect(client, &address, 1, 0);
>     if(peer == 0l)
>     {
>         printf("No available peers for initiating an ENet connection.\n");
>         return 0;
>     }
>     ENetEvent event;
>     /* Wait up to 5 seconds for the connection attempt to succeed. */
>     if (enet_host_service (client, & event, 5000) > 0 && event.type ==
>     {
>         printf("Connection to %s:%d succeeded.\n", url, port);
>     }
>     else
>     {
>         /* Either the 5 seconds are up or a disconnect event was */
>         /* received. Reset the peer in the event the 5 seconds   */
>         /* had run out without any significant event.            */
>         //enet_peer_reset (peer);
>         printf("Connection to %s:%d failed. Trying again...\n", url, port);
>         goto TRY_TO_CONNECT;
>     }

When host is already raised (is it right word in English?) before client try
to connect - everything works fine, but when I first start the client and
after several seconds start the server - client will never connect to host
(will try each 5 seconds but unsuccessfully). What's the problem? Must I
recreate a peer each time I try to reconnect? If it is so - how can I delete
previous peer - there is no "enet_peer_destroy()" function.
The same question: how to reconnect to the server when disconnection
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