[ENet-discuss] enet 1.3.6 dll for .net

James Bellinger james at illusorystudios.com
Wed Feb 27 08:05:01 PST 2013

Actually, now that I know freeCallback is intended for this use, I've 
added GetUserData and SetUserData
functions on Packet (which sets the free callback and links to a 
dictionary internally). A Freed event
is just gravy with that in place. No cost in CPU time if it isn't used. 
Either way it's easier:

packet.Freed += p => { my code };

I've put the new version up on my page for it and on NuGet. Let me know 
if this is of use. :)


On 2/27/2013 2:23 AM, BS Flasher wrote:
>     BS Flasher:
>     Yes, I can make a method to let you get a callback on free. That
>     is no problem.
>     I want to make sure the methods I add to the C# library are
>     useful, since once it's part
>     of the library, I don't want to ever remove it, because that would
>     breaks people's software.
>     So let's figure out the best way and then add it.
>     James
> James,
> Don't touch your code. I added a referenceCount in your binding and I 
> am checking that. This way works. When a packet is received or line is 
> disconnected referenceCount will be 0 and it is sufficient for my problem.
> Thank you so much.
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