[Greylist-users] help...relay_ip ALWAYS empty.

Stig Andersson stig at ymex.se
Wed Apr 13 00:10:20 PDT 2005

Hi all,

Have installed RelayDelay in an already working Redhat 9 with Spamassasin.
Sendmail is ver 8.12.11. Using lastest CVS - althoug also tried 0.04 with same result.

RelayDelay is working, but does not seem to get hold of
relay_ip - thus not saving it either. See exerps from log below:

The dns_name table is empty.

Is there somone who have any clue to why Relaydelay does not
get hold of relay_ip?  Also note that relayname, RelayIdent and PossiblyForged is missing too..

Any one any Suggestions?

(Btw - why are there so many perl warnings in the log?)

Best Regards 
Stig Andersson

=== 2005-04-13 08:57:48 ===
Stored Sender: <info at ymex.se>
Passed Recipient: <surfreg at ymex.se>
DBI Connecting to DBI:mysql:database=relaydelay:host=localhost:port=3306
Use of uninitialized value in pattern match (m//) at /etc/mail/greylistscripts/relaydelay.pl line 666.
Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at /etc/mail/greylistscripts/relaydelay.pl line 688.
  Relay:  - If_Addr:
Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at /etc/mail/greylistscripts/relaydelay.pl line 689.
Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at /etc/mail/greylistscripts/relaydelay.pl line 689.
Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at /etc/mail/greylistscripts/relaydelay.pl line 689.
Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at /etc/mail/greylistscripts/relaydelay.pl line 689.
  RelayIP:  - RelayName:  - RelayIdent:  - PossiblyForged:
  From: info at ymex.se - To: surfreg at ymex.se
Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at /etc/mail/greylistscripts/relaydelay.pl line 691.
  InMailer: smtp - OutMailer: smtp - QueueID:
Use of uninitialized value in substitution (s///) at /etc/mail/greylistscripts/relaydelay.pl line 724.
Use of uninitialized value in substitution (s///) at /etc/mail/greylistscripts/relaydelay.pl line 724.
Use of uninitialized value in substitution (s///) at /etc/mail/greylistscripts/relaydelay.pl line 724.
Use of uninitialized value in substitution (s///) at /etc/mail/greylistscripts/relaydelay.pl line 724.
Use of uninitialized value in length at /etc/mail/greylistscripts/relaydelay.pl line 728.
Use of uninitialized value in string eq at /etc/mail/greylistscripts/relaydelay.pl line 887.
Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at /etc/mail/greylistscripts/relaydelay.pl line 921.
Use of uninitialized value in string at /etc/mail/greylistscripts/relaydelay.pl line 929.
Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at /etc/mail/greylistscripts/relaydelay.pl line 921.
Use of uninitialized value in string at /etc/mail/greylistscripts/relaydelay.pl line 929.
Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at /etc/mail/greylistscripts/relaydelay.pl line 921.
Use of uninitialized value in string at /etc/mail/greylistscripts/relaydelay.pl line 929.
Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at /etc/mail/greylistscripts/relaydelay.pl line 921.
Use of uninitialized value in string at /etc/mail/greylistscripts/relaydelay.pl line 929.
Use of uninitialized value in substitution (s///) at /etc/mail/greylistscripts/relaydelay.pl line 981.
  Email is known but block has not expired.  Issuing a tempfail.  rowid: 378
  * Mail blocked with temporary error.  Incremented blocked count on rowid 378

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