[Greylist-users] Time to resend a message

Matthias Haeker mhaeker at its-h.de
Tue Jul 5 01:41:17 PDT 2005


there is a ongoing discussion on how to understand the resending time frame=
in that a message shoud be resend after beeing rejectet with a lets say:

450: ...........( Greylistet for 300 sec) 

must i resend **within** the 300sec or earlyest after the 300sec.

please excouse if ther is already a thread in your mailing list regarding t=
his question.

i am not a greylist user, the companys i am the admin from dont send any sp=
am and i have not the time to leran everything 
about all new "ANTISPAM" solutions.

but we are realy troubled to send valid genuine email to customer using gre=


Matthias Haeker

mhaeker at its-h.de

Matthias Haeker

mhaeker at its-h.de


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