[Greylist-users] Too many "false positives" !?!

Allan E. Johannesen aej at WPI.EDU
Mon Nov 21 06:00:57 PST 2005

>>>>> "orinoco01" == orinoco  <orinoco01 at expires-2006-03-31.cybnet.de> writes:

orinoco01> That does not correspond with the promises on several wesbites
orinoco01> claiming almost no false positives from greylisting. Didn't they
orinoco01> counter-check?  Are there so many non-RFC-compliant MTAs out there?
orinoco01> Or what's going wrong here?

orinoco01> It's an underdog job to check for false positives, not to mention
orinoco01> repairing the communication damage.  And I can't whitelist all
orinoco01> innocent non-RFC-comnpliant MTAs on the world.

orinoco01> Additionally some web-mail providers like hotmail hide the
orinoco01> greylisting error message from their customers, generating a
orinoco01> delivery failure message of their own, if they notify at all.

Yes, it's an annoyance to try to track down these places.

I've had to whitelist sourceforge, earthlink, cox.net, the facebook, and

When people lose mail due to greylisting, they don't blame the broken senders,
they place the blame here.

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