[Greylist-users] An approach for reducing mail loss with greylisting

Gaal Yahas gaal at forum2.org
Sun Nov 12 08:15:42 PST 2006

The point is that the greylisting MTA tags the abandoned messages.
All mail would indeed be delivered, but a trivial procmail (or whatever)
rule directs it to a separate folder the user doesn't have to look at
unless they suspect mail loss due to broken sender MTAs.

On Sun, Nov 12, 2006 at 10:29:36AM -0500, CarbonBLOCK Support wrote:
> That would completely defeat greylisting as ALL mail would be delivered.
> Did you even read the whitepaper and understand the implementation?
> --Brent
> -----Original Message-----
> From: greylist-users-bounces at lists.puremagic.com
> [mailto:greylist-users-bounces at lists.puremagic.com] On Behalf Of Gaal Yahas
> Sent: Sunday, November 12, 2006 8:49 AM
> To: Greylist-users at lists.puremagic.com
> Subject: [Greylist-users] An approach for reducing mail loss with
> greylisting
> Hello,
> In discussing greylisting with friends, one of them who was worried
> about possible mail loss because of sucky sender MTAs proposed the
> following:
>    How about failing the transaction at the very last moment, after
>    we get the whole message (assuming there's only one, which is by
>    far the most common case)? Then, if after X hours we don't see the
>    same UID again, we *do* deliver the refused message, but mark it as
>    X-Graylist-Status: Abandoned and leave it to procmail/spamassassn/MUA
>    to decide the implications.
>    That should work nicely, nay? Greatly diminished chances of mail loss,
>    plus a chance to autotrain your spam filters, and you still get the
>    benefit of getting yourself off spammers' lists.
> It's kinda kinky to report rejecting a message that you're delivering
> anyway, but it does look like this makes sense. Only problem is that it
> might be hard to implement. Has anyone seen it done?
> -- 
> Gaal Yahas <gaal at forum2.org>
> http://gaal.livejournal.com/
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Gaal Yahas <gaal at forum2.org>

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