[Greylist-users] Using a spam-trap e-mail address with greylist

Jose-Marcio Martins da Cruz Jose-Marcio.Martins at ensmp.fr
Sun Mar 11 03:27:34 PDT 2007

Bob Beck wrote:

>>> When a host that is currently greylisted attempts to send mail to a 
>>> spamtrap address, it is blacklisted for 24 hours 
>> Just 24 hours? You could make it more like a month.
> 	No, all that means is it's now got dead information in the
> list on which IP's were part of a botnet a month ago :)  I don't
> want to have to manually maintain the list. 24 hours is more than
> enough for them to either go away, or get themselves back in the 
> blocklist again the next time :) 

IMHO, blacklisting some one just because it sent a message to a spamtrap 
is a bad idea.

One situation, not the only one, where this is a bad idea is about ISPs 
outgoing mail servers, where you can have both good and bad trafic 
flowing from.

Sometimes you can accept blacklisting this, but sometimes not. When not 
you shall manage a whitelist of servers not to blacklist when they send 
messages to spamtraps - not allways feasible.

  Jose Marcio MARTINS DA CRUZ           Tel. :(33)
  Ecole des Mines de Paris              http://j-chkmail.ensmp.fr
  60, bd Saint Michel                http://www.ensmp.fr/~martins
  75272 - PARIS CEDEX 06      mailto:Jose-Marcio.Martins at ensmp.fr

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