[Greylist-users] Getting greylisting going on a new Debian

thing thing at thing.dyndns.org
Thu Jun 26 17:47:55 PDT 2008

Brian Ross wrote:
> I just reviewed the code for relaydelay and realized I'd forgotten 
> about the reverse-whitelist option (which would account for the NULLs 
> in the relay_ip column).  Do you have reverse mail tracking on, or off 
> ($reverse_mail_tracking) (it defaults to on)?
> I'm thinking that we need more information to help you with this 
> problem.... if you could more carefully coordinate the log snippets 
> that you're sending with the relaytofrom table information, we might 
> be able to provide better ideas.
> -Brian

This is the same setting as the old server, in fact I am running the old 
relaydelay.conf as I scp's it over.

I will change it and see what happens.

hermes:/etc/mail# tail -20 relaydelay.conf

# Set this to true if you want to try to track locally originated mail
#   so that replies are not delayed.  This adds a couple queries to the
#   db overhead for each local mail processed, so use with caution.
#   Also considers mail sent from whitelisted IP's and authenticated
#   senders as local in case we are acting as a smarthost for them.
$reverse_mail_tracking = 1;
#ssj$reverse_mail_tracking = 0;

# This controls the lifetime of the automatic reverse whitelisting of
#   senders that we have seen locally originated mail sent to.  Only
#   used if $reverse_mail_tracking is enabled.
$reverse_mail_life_secs = 14 * 24 * 3600;  # 4 Days

# End of options for use in external config file


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