[MudWalker] Re: Hi there, a few questions

Kevin Reid kpreid
Sat Nov 29 04:18:42 PST 2003

On Nov 24, 2003, at 23:20, Alex Shaver wrote:

> Hi there Mr. Reid. First of all i would like to say that i love this 
> mud client, its much nicer than telnet.
> I have a few questions for you however.
> 1. how to you change the background for the window, I want to settings 
> but i cant seem to find out how to apply it.

In the "Color Sets" pane, create a new color set with the colors you 
want - use the "+" button to create a new one, or hold down the Option 
key and drag an existing set elsewhere in the list to copy it.

Then, in the "Display" pane, select it from the "Color Set" popup menu.

> 2. Im new to this whole trigger thing. How do you set them, is there a 
> special coding that you have to use?

Another user wrote a good explanation - see 

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Kevin Reid

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