[MudWalker] New Version Suggestions

James Schend james
Sat Aug 28 09:49:30 PDT 2004

What about allowing a split window like XCode or Microsoft Word?  
Rapscallion solved the problem this way, and I've seen it in a few 
Windows client... ZMud I think.

Thanks a ton for adding in the speech triggers.  NOW I won't constantly 
be replying to the wrong channel or missing stuff.  Speech support 
should be enforced by law in all MacOS applications.  (Well, Windows XP 
too now.)  People don't realize how handy it is.

The spell checker bug isn't mentioned in your summary... is that 
because it's too minor to be worth mentioning, or is it not fixed yet?

On Aug 28, 2004, at 6:49 AM, Kevin Reid wrote:

> That's the Scroll Lock function in the Edit menu.

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