[MudWalker] Suggestions

Kevin Reid kpreid
Fri Nov 19 04:31:40 PST 2004

Pedro Figueiredo <me at pedro.nu> wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> another suggestion:
> * audio cues: when a certain condition matches (regexp; event; etc.) 
> play/speak a user-definable sound/text. it allows me to wander around
> the house and know if someone has logged on or spoke to me, for 
> instance.

You can do this with a trigger script.


This is documented (poorly) in the help. The sound name refers to one of
the system sounds in /System/Library/Sounds/ or /Library/Sounds/.

You can also have MudWalker speak text:

  @@speak("Someone mentioned you!")

  @@speak("Someone mentioned you!", "Zarvox")

Kevin Reid                            <http://homepage.mac.com/kpreid/>

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