[nebulastudio-discuss] Render integration

Bruce Mitchener bruce at cubik.org
Fri May 7 08:08:56 PDT 2004

There are 2 big aspects to integrating a render window into Eclipse 

The first is to get an actual window working.  This should be fairly 
straight forward:

    * Create the Eclipse SWT widget.
    * Get its HWND on Windows.
    * Set that in the NOH as the parent HWND.
    * Create the gfx server.

We can also likely use the window handler code instead, but either way, 
this should be fairly straight forward to get working. (Volunteers are 

The other big aspect is the integration of the render loop.  This is 
something application-specific, so we'll need to provide both a default 
render loop as well as a way for a user/extender of the toolset to 
provide their own render loop code.

I think the easiest approach to this would be to have a method that we'd 
call once/frame and to call that from the Eclipse-side of things as 
frequently as possible (once per event loop iteration hopefully).  This 
approach would require code in both Java and C++ using JNI.  The render 
integration should probably be plugin-based at some point to make it 
easily swappable.

But first, it'd be nice to just have any render integration at all. :)

Any one interested in taking either of these tasks?

  - Bruce

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