[nebulastudio-discuss] XML descriptions of Nebula classes toprovide better wrappers and editor integration

Bruce Mitchener bruce at cubik.org
Thu May 13 16:56:11 PDT 2004

Dark Dragon wrote:
> Is you still planning of making _cmds files from XML descriptions? If
> so, there is still unresolved issues - about keeping code for complex
> script commands in XML file. 

No ... I don't want to deal with that mess for now.  (There are 
advantages to it since that would let a wrapper inline the script 
commands and avoid the extra runtime nCmd dispatch.)

> I think XML descriptions will be hard to maintain

Hopefully they won't.  People don't modify script interfaces often.

> I would prefer keeping meta-information about script commands somewhere
> in the .h or .cc files.

This is harder to parse and doesn't handle cases well where we actually 
want to load the XML, which we'd want to do in the Studio. (It won't 
just be nwrapper using the XML.)

If you're volunteering to do this via metadata that outputs XML for 
nwrapper and Nebula Studio to use, and to do it in a timely fashion, let 
me know.  My current plan is to have as much of this done by Monday as I 
can so that we can move on to more substantive things.

  - Bruce

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