[phobos] Improvement of stream

Andrei Alexandrescu andrei at erdani.com
Mon Jul 5 09:23:04 PDT 2010

On 07/05/2010 11:14 AM, Michel Fortin wrote:
> Le 2010-07-05 à 1:37, Andrei Alexandrescu a écrit :
>> - The Seekable idea is good, I was thinking of it for a while. It expresses a range that is not as cheap for random access as a random-access range, but also that makes random seeking possible. What kind of algorithms could use Seekable?
> Well, you might want to skip over certain parts of a stream. Say you know there's 32K bytes of text you don't need, you could just skip it in one go. Or it could allow you to rewind the stream to a previous location (such as when parsing a zip file, where the table of content is at the end of the file and tells you where in the archive each compressed file is located.)
> Perhaps you could implement a buffered stream as seekable too, with a seek range limited to the buffer's size. It could act as a form of lookahead, or lookbehind.
> But I have to admit the ability of a range to seek outside of the range's range (like rewinding) seems a little odd. It does fit better with a 'stream' concept.

Ranges are streams!


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