[phobos] stdin.byChunk seems broken

Sean Kelly sean at invisibleduck.org
Fri Jun 4 15:48:27 PDT 2010

Given the sample:

    import std.algorithm, std.concurrency, std.stdio;

    void main()
        enum bufferSize = 1;
        auto tid = spawn( &fileWriter );
        // Read loop
        /+ BUG: stdio can't handle the immutable buffer
        foreach( immutable(ubyte)[] buffer; stdin.byChunk( bufferSize ) )
            send( tid, buffer );
        foreach( const(ubyte)[] buffer; stdin.byChunk( bufferSize ) )
            send( tid, buffer );

    void fileWriter()
        // Write loop
        for( ; ; )
            // BUG: stdio can't handle the immutable buffer
            //auto buffer = receiveOnly!(immutable(ubyte)[])();
            auto buffer = receiveOnly!(const(ubyte)[])();
            writeln( "rx: ", buffer.field[0] );

The output I see is:

	abacus:tdpl sean$ ch13_7
	rx: 10
	rx: 10
	rx: 10
	rx: 10
	rx: 10
	abacus:tdpl sean$

Why if I send 4 'a' characters do I receive 5 \n characters?  Seems like the last character in the buffer is being copied over the preceding data.  I just thought I'd mention this in case someone has the time and inclination to look into it.

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