[phobos] next release

Jonathan M Davis jmdavisProg at gmx.com
Fri Sep 17 19:51:33 PDT 2010

On Friday 17 September 2010 12:10:56 Steve Schveighoffer wrote:
> Ah, I see.
> Yes, in my implementation (on Tango), TimeSpan only dealt with up to days. 
> It did not deal with years or months because those were calendar
> functions.
> Months are very tricky to deal with.  For instance, if a date is 1/30, and
> one wants to add a month, what happens?  You run into weird situations,
> and I left that awkwardness in another module.  The Span type (Duration,
> whatever) I think should be calendar-free.  This allows a very very simple
> implementation, and can be used in areas where you don't need the
> complexity of calendars (for instance, in thread.sleep).
> In the calendar class, I had addMonths and addYears (which essentially was
> addMonths(x * 12)) to deal with dates/times.
> > So, if
> > you want to be able to have  durations of months or years, you have to
> > have at
> > 
> > least 2 duration types -  one which covers months and years and one which
> >
> >covers
> >
> > the smaller units  (presumably by being in ticks as you suggest).
> No matter what solution you use, there will be some awkwardness.  For
> example, if you wanted to determine how many months were between two
> dates, d1 and d2, how does that work?  Intuitively, you'd do:
> d2 - d1
> But the type may not have enough information to convert to months.  If you
> want to have a separate months/years type, then you need to have functions
> like monthsBetween(d1, d2) which returns a months type.
> I guess I will wait and see what the final API looks like and then see how
> I like it.
> -Steve

Well, obviously, it'll be clearer once you see the code, but I have addX() 
functions for all of the time units which make sense for any given time point as 
well as the ability to add Durations to them (as well as a generic addTimeUnit() 
where you give it the unit to add to - Durations actually use that when being 
added to a a time point). addMonths() and addYears() allow you to choose how you 
want to deal with the day overflowing the month after adding however many months 
or years you added: whether it should overflow into the next month, incrementing 
the month, or whether it should snap to the end of the current month. Adding 
Durations always overflows.

As for subtracting two time points, the result is always a Duration in the 
highest precision units for that type - so subtracting Dates would result in a 
Duration!(TUnit.day) while subtracting SysTimes would result in Duration!
(TUnit.tick). Additional functions could be added for stuff like monthsBetween(), 
but I haven't at this point. It does seem like it would be a good idea though, 
since you couldn't get the number of months between Dates from a Duration!

In any case, dealing with months is ugly all around because they aren't uniform. 
What I have is highly generic so that each of the various time points work in 
the same way, but months are a bit of a wart. Hopefully my solution isn't too 
far off from ideal. But obviously, everyone can judge that for themselves when I 
post the finished code.

- Jonathan M Davis

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