[phobos] Split std.datetime in two?

Andrei Alexandrescu andrei at erdani.com
Thu Feb 10 07:15:44 PST 2011

On 2/10/11 7:59 AM, Steve Schveighoffer wrote:
> Agree 100%. Leave the module as-is and let's improve the doc generator.
> I don't think we should design the functionality of code around
> documentation issues.

Same here. There are two additional options we have:

- Reduce the size of the documentation. Jonathan is not the tersest guy 
I know, and there is a fair amount of repetitiveness in the 
documentation. For example DateTime opBinary comes with a full table 
with four rows and five columns that conveys the simple fact that adding 
or subtracting a duration to a DateTime yields a DateTime. That and many 
other tables have identical rows (I think it's a cut and paste error; 
the idea might have been to swap the order of arguments, yet _still_ a 
table is not justified there).

- Write a separate document about dates and times in the form of a 
manual, and reduce the size of the documentation proper. Insert 
references to the manual.

Now that the topic came about I have serious concerns about code and 
functionality density of Phobos going forward, and that I promised 
myself to be extra hawkish about it.

std.datetime has 34219 lines, which accounts for over 26% of the entire 
Phobos size. If Jonathan will (as he promised, I didn't forget :o)) fix 
line sizes to conform to 80 columns, then std.datetime will become 40961 
lines, or straight 30% of Phobos.

(This might have to do with the increase of "hello, world" that was 
noted by some people on the compiler list.)

I understand there are factors that contribute to that: date and time 
manipulation is a bulky endeavor, there's a ton of unittests, and 
there's a lot of documentation. But at a level I find it difficult to 
digest the fact that in sheer numbers date and time manipulation 
accounts for 30% of Phobos. As a comparison point, std.algorithm does 
arguably a lot of work, has adequate documentation, and has unittest 
coverage at 95%, yet does all that in a "measly" 8027 lines.

Now say we added std.unittests exactly as proposed. It has 2247 lines, 
which puts it at 73 percentile in terms of LOC in Phobos - just below 
std.stdio and above workhorses such as std.random, std.variant, and 
std.concurrency itself. Again, I find it difficult to convince myself 
that a few unittest support functions and their paraphernalia need that 
much real estate.


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