[phobos] [dmd-internals] svn-->git migration

Jason Evans jasone at canonware.com
Sun Jan 23 20:42:33 PST 2011

On 01/23/2011 08:28 PM, Walter Bright wrote:
> How do we set things so that line endings are automatically normalized
> to LF?

You mean, something similar to a subversion commit hook script that 
re-writes the commit on the fly?  I don't think we'll be able to do that 
in general, due to the distributed nature of git.  Here is a relevant 
github support discussion:


The core of the problem is that an entire series of changes (including 
arbitrarily complex forking/merging) can be performed in a local 
repository, then pushed to github all at once.  Therefore, normalization 
would have to do some non-trivial history rewriting, which would then 
cause divergence from the repository the changes were pushed from.


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