[phobos] Fwd: Undefined symbols in libgphobos.a [gdc with D2 2.052 on 64-bit Mac OSX]

Dan Sanduleac ods22 at cam.ac.uk
Thu Jun 2 08:27:57 PDT 2011


I'm trying to compile some distribution of D2 on OSX 64-bit (for
integrating it with pyd, and as my Python is 64-bit, I kindof need D to
be as well).

The official DMD source code doesn't seem to have makefile rules for
64-bit (and if I change to -m64, I get some assertion errors which may
be a bit over my ability to fix), and the provided binaries are only for
32-bit OSX.

Thus I'm trying to compile gdc, which apparently finished successfully,
and I can compile with it, however I cannot link, as ld reports that
some symbols that libgphobos2.a refers to are undefined (

What I noticed by looking at ```nm libgphobos2.a``` is that most of the
undefined symbols (the ones which refer to
```TypeInfo_<something>.__init```) start with one _, however in the same
library symbols with the same name but starting with two underscores
instead, are defined ( some output samples of nm provided at link above ).

I've looked everywhere on the Internet and cannot find a useful
reference, and the gdc people don't seem to be very responsive, so I
decided to take this up with the D team directly. Any idea how to start
treating this problem, or alternatively how to compile DMD on 64-bit OSX?


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