[phobos] State of std.parallelism unit tests

SK sk at metrokings.com
Wed Jun 8 07:12:56 PDT 2011

On Wed, Jun 8, 2011 at 5:54 AM, David Simcha <dsimcha at gmail.com> wrote:

> On 6/7/2011 11:04 PM, SK wrote:
>> I have a test (~100 loc) that fails immediately on 64-bit Linux without
>> resorting to fiber migration.  Using the FiberFixes branch allows it to
>> pass.  If you're interested I'd be happy to provide.
>> Also, will I asked before but never got an answer:  Is there any plan to
>> merge FiberFixes with the the trunk?
> Yes, please provide.  I know there is still an outstanding issue with
> std.parallelism, but I can't reproduce it so there's not much I can do about
> it.  I'll take any help I can get

This test launches 10 threads that each launch 100 fibers that each yield
1000 times.  I compile with /usr/bin/dmd  -w -wi -gc.

//import std.stdio;
import core.thread;
import std.stdio;
import std.exception;
shared uint join_done = 0;
version( Windows ) { import core.sys.windows.windows; }
class fiber_worker_t
    this( uint yield_count )
 m_done = false;
        m_yield_count = yield_count;
        m_fiber = new Fiber( &func );
    bool call()
        return is_term();
    bool is_term() { return( m_fiber.state() == m_fiber.State.TERM ); }
    bool is_done() { return( m_done ); }
    uint m_yield_count;
    Fiber m_fiber;
    bool m_done;
    void func()
        uint i = m_yield_count;
        while( --i )
        m_done = true;
class thread_worker_t
    this( uint fiber_worker_count, uint fiber_yield_count )
        m_fiber_worker_count = fiber_worker_count;
        m_fiber_yield_count = fiber_yield_count;
        m_thread = new Thread( &func );
        // I moved this to the thread itself
        m_fib_array = new fiber_worker_t[fiber_worker_count];
        foreach( ref f; m_fib_array )
            f = new fiber_worker_t(fiber_yield_count);
    void start()
    uint m_fiber_worker_count;
    uint m_fiber_yield_count;
    Thread m_thread;
    // func() executes in each thread's context
    void func()
        fiber_worker_t[] m_fib_array = new
        foreach( ref f; m_fib_array )
            f = new fiber_worker_t(m_fiber_yield_count);
        // fibers are cooperative and need a driver loop
        bool done;
            done = true;
            foreach( f; m_fib_array )
                done &= f.call();
                // writeln( &this, " ", f, " ", &f );
        } while( !done );
    // verify that fibers are really done
    foreach( f; m_fib_array )
        enforce( f.is_done() );
void thread_fiber_test( const uint thread_count, const uint fiber_count,
const uint fiber_yield_count )
    thread_worker_t[] thread_worker_array = new
    foreach( ref t; thread_worker_array )
        t = new thread_worker_t(fiber_count, fiber_yield_count);
    foreach( t; thread_worker_array ) t.start();
    join_done = 1;
int main()
    const uint thread_count = 10;
    const uint fiber_count = 100;
    const uint fiber_yield_count = 1000;
    thread_fiber_test( thread_count, fiber_count, fiber_yield_count );
    return 0;
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