[phobos] Building generated/osx/release/32/unittest/std/string takes 400+ seconds on OSX

Andrei Alexandrescu andrei at erdani.com
Sat Sep 24 16:55:19 PDT 2011

On 9/24/11 4:25 PM, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
> My guess would be that it has to do with the foreach loops over TypeTuples
> that std.string uses to generate a number of its tests, but I don't know.

The test of tr is the culprit (shown at the bottom of this). It does a 
triple nested loop over string types.

Jonathan, did you time using the latest compiler? Walter, did you enable 
the GC for OSX too?

Should we disable this test, reduce it, or have Walter look into 
improving the compiler?



     debug(string) printf("std.string.tr.unittest\n");
     import std.algorithm;

     foreach(S; TypeTuple!(char[], const(char)[], immutable(char)[],
                           wchar[], const(wchar)[], immutable(wchar)[],
                           dchar[], const(dchar)[], immutable(dchar)[]))
         foreach(T; TypeTuple!(char[], const(char)[], immutable(char)[],
                               wchar[], const(wchar)[], immutable(wchar)[],
                               dchar[], const(dchar)[], immutable(dchar)[]))
             foreach(U; TypeTuple!(char[], const(char)[], immutable(char)[],
                                   wchar[], const(wchar)[], 
                                   dchar[], const(dchar)[], 

         auto s = to!S("hello world");
         static assert(is(typeof(s) == typeof(tr(s, "he", "if"))));

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