[phobos] [dlang/phobos] 764cae: XREF -> REF (sed)

GitHub via phobos phobos at puremagic.com
Sat May 28 04:52:49 PDT 2016

  Branch: refs/heads/master
  Home:   https://github.com/dlang/phobos
  Commit: 764caefa36c88eefaa2864607d925e3d38f673cd
  Author: anonymous <aG0aep6G at users.noreply.github.com>
  Date:   2016-05-27 (Fri, 27 May 2016)

  Changed paths:
    M changelog.dd
    M std/algorithm/comparison.d
    M std/algorithm/iteration.d
    M std/algorithm/mutation.d
    M std/algorithm/searching.d
    M std/algorithm/setops.d
    M std/algorithm/sorting.d
    M std/array.d
    M std/bigint.d
    M std/complex.d
    M std/concurrency.d
    M std/container/rbtree.d
    M std/conv.d
    M std/digest/digest.d
    M std/digest/hmac.d
    M std/encoding.d
    M std/exception.d
    M std/file.d
    M std/format.d
    M std/functional.d
    M std/json.d
    M std/net/curl.d
    M std/numeric.d
    M std/outbuffer.d
    M std/parallelism.d
    M std/path.d
    M std/process.d
    M std/range/package.d
    M std/stdio.d
    M std/string.d
    M std/traits.d
    M std/typecons.d
    M std/typetuple.d
    M std/uni.d
    M std/utf.d
    M std/uuid.d
    M std/zip.d

  Log Message:
  XREF -> REF (sed)

Done by:

(find . -type f -name "*.d" -print0; \
    find . -type f -name "*.dd" -print0) | \
xargs -0 sed -i -r \
    's/\$\(XREF\s+([^(),]*),\s*([^(),]*)\)/$(REF \2, std,\1)/g'

  Commit: d648f9320ebcabaa6e34a36b85475f298fd54fbf
  Author: anonymous <aG0aep6G at users.noreply.github.com>
  Date:   2016-05-27 (Fri, 27 May 2016)

  Changed paths:
    M std/algorithm/comparison.d
    M std/algorithm/iteration.d
    M std/algorithm/sorting.d
    M std/array.d
    M std/container/package.d
    M std/csv.d
    M std/digest/crc.d
    M std/digest/digest.d
    M std/digest/md.d
    M std/digest/ripemd.d
    M std/digest/sha.d
    M std/exception.d
    M std/format.d
    M std/parallelism.d
    M std/range/package.d
    M std/stdio.d
    M std/uni.d

  Log Message:
  XREF_PACK -> REF (sed)

Done by:

to='$(REF \3, std,\1,\2)'
(find . -type f -name "*.d" -print0; \
    find . -type f -name "*.dd" -print0) | \
xargs -0 sed -i -r "s/$from/$to/g"

  Commit: ef9722928ca7359fb3f4b8219a33b7dcfcb50c76
  Author: anonymous <aG0aep6G at users.noreply.github.com>
  Date:   2016-05-27 (Fri, 27 May 2016)

  Changed paths:
    M std/algorithm/comparison.d
    M std/algorithm/iteration.d
    M std/algorithm/mutation.d
    M std/algorithm/searching.d
    M std/algorithm/sorting.d
    M std/array.d

  Log Message:

Done by:

to='$(REF_ALTTEXT \4, \3, std,\1,\2)'
(find . -type f -name "*.d" -print0; \
    find . -type f -name "*.dd" -print0) | \
xargs -0 sed -i -r "s/$from/$to/g"

  Commit: 641d6ff8d7abba0712996006bd4b660af251fd2a
  Author: anonymous <aG0aep6G at users.noreply.github.com>
  Date:   2016-05-27 (Fri, 27 May 2016)

  Changed paths:
    M changelog.dd
    M std/algorithm/iteration.d
    M std/algorithm/searching.d
    M std/container/package.d
    M std/csv.d
    M std/stdio.d
    M std/string.d

  Log Message:
  clean up remaining XREFs (manual)

Found by: grep -r '$(XREF'

std.experimental.allocator has a custom XREF2. Leaving that as is for now.

  Commit: ff854b71b0650365477f8b8ba225f20aa25c4fd7
  Author: Dmitry Olshansky <dmitry.olsh at gmail.com>
  Date:   2016-05-28 (Sat, 28 May 2016)

  Changed paths:
    M changelog.dd
    M std/algorithm/comparison.d
    M std/algorithm/iteration.d
    M std/algorithm/mutation.d
    M std/algorithm/searching.d
    M std/algorithm/setops.d
    M std/algorithm/sorting.d
    M std/array.d
    M std/bigint.d
    M std/complex.d
    M std/concurrency.d
    M std/container/package.d
    M std/container/rbtree.d
    M std/conv.d
    M std/csv.d
    M std/digest/crc.d
    M std/digest/digest.d
    M std/digest/hmac.d
    M std/digest/md.d
    M std/digest/ripemd.d
    M std/digest/sha.d
    M std/encoding.d
    M std/exception.d
    M std/file.d
    M std/format.d
    M std/functional.d
    M std/json.d
    M std/net/curl.d
    M std/numeric.d
    M std/outbuffer.d
    M std/parallelism.d
    M std/path.d
    M std/process.d
    M std/range/package.d
    M std/stdio.d
    M std/string.d
    M std/traits.d
    M std/typecons.d
    M std/typetuple.d
    M std/uni.d
    M std/utf.d
    M std/uuid.d
    M std/zip.d

  Log Message:
  Merge pull request #4364 from aG0aep6G/kill-xref

Replace XREF with REF

Compare: https://github.com/dlang/phobos/compare/bc63d2b94964...ff854b71b065

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