[vworld-tech] Straw poll...what are people working on?

Glyph Lefkowitz glyph at twistedmatrix.com
Mon Dec 29 16:38:40 PST 2003

On Dec 29, 2003, at 6:20 PM, Weston Fryatt wrote:

> My approach to an MMOG is I think a little difference than most MMOG 
> that
> are currently out there.  It "seems" that most MMOG run on one massive
> server. (Maybe I'm wrong here)

At least in my experience, your MMOG architecture is similar to many of 
those out there.  To sum up the architecture in a few words, it's "many 
special-purpose servers running on machines configured for those 
purposes, in multiple fixed cluster constellations".  I think we need a 
buzzword for that :).

My personal vision, though I've had very little time to work on it, is 
to virtualize hardware use to the greatest extent possible, but of 
course, reliable network operating systems are an unsolved (perhaps 
unsolvable, with current technology) problem.

I don't know the rationale for splitting out special-purpose servers 
instead of having one general-purpose platform which you load services 
into, except "it's easier".

In terms of what I'm working on, I'm in the bowels of infrastructure 
well below where the game would go right now.  Loosely, you could say 
that most of my work is in distributed operating systems.

I've spent the last few years on a networking and protocol multiplexing 
framework (http://www.twistedmatrix.com/) and now I'm working on an 
e-mail solution which includes an object database 
(http://www.divmod.com/) that I hope to use for a ... highly 
unconventional online game, (http://www.divunal.com/).
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