GDC 4.4.3

Robert Clipsham robert at
Sat Mar 20 03:22:12 PDT 2010

On 20/03/10 08:08, Steve Teale wrote:
> After some time, I have finally got GDC (DMD 2.015) to build and compile
> Phobos2 with GCC-4.4.3.
> So far I have only built and run hello world, and a couple of small test
> programs I made to investigate problems I had patching GCC.
> However, it's a start.
> What do I use for testing it - DStress?
> Steve

I'd go with DStress if you want a full test suite, but there's also the 
ldc mini test suite, and if you can get a copy of Walters test suite 
(you'll have to ask him nicely, he prefers to keep it to a select few 
due to licensing issues) that would be great :)

It would also be a good idea to start up a gdc test suite, every time 
you find a bug/a bug is reported, add it to the test suite and make sure 
it's run before each release... that way you can minimise the number of 
regressions :) I'd say you could try and compile some libraries/apps 
too, but I doubt there's any that work with dmdfe 2.015 any more... your 
best bet in that sense for now would to be to make sure phobos compiles 
and its unit tests pass for now, at least until you manage to update the 
front end so you can test with other apps/libraries.

Thanks for all your work, good luck getting gdc up to date and usable 
again :)

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