Compiling with gdc vs. gdmd

Daniel Green venix1 at
Fri Apr 6 21:08:45 PDT 2012

On 4/6/2012 8:00 AM, Joseph Rushton Wakeling wrote:
> In fact, the zipped-up wscript is contained within the build script as a
> binary blob, no? This alone is enough to make it fall under the GPL
> provisions.

An interesting thing to note about the waf binary blob.  Currently, it 
actually extracts it's entire source into a cache directory.

On the first run, you'll find a directory like 
waf3-1.6.10-84fbc87adc22fe809febcc192afd90b1 inside which is the full 
obfuscated code for Waf.  The important thing is that this code *can* be 
modified and changes will persist until you decide to wipe them.

I've been too lazy to upgrade to newer releases due to api issues, so 
I'll often apply patches to the cache to fix minor issues I have.

At this point, the waf binary should be considered no different than a 
zip file containing source.  It's just that this fact isn't obvious.

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