Release: MinGW64 GCC 4.6.1 GDC 232cd89d90b4

Andrew Wiley wiley.andrew.j at
Thu Feb 16 19:26:32 PST 2012

On Thu, Feb 16, 2012 at 9:12 PM, Daniel Green <venix1 at> wrote:
> On 2/16/2012 3:25 PM, Andrew Wiley wrote:
>> Trouble is that this a few thousand line codebase. I'll see what I can
>> do about getting a reduced sample.
> If I can get a copy I'll look at it when I have some free time. A reduced
> case helps tremendously but isn't necessary.
>> I was mostly wondering whether you've seen anything like this before,
>> but it sounds like you haven't.
> I have a few thoughts about what could be causing it. When the call history
> disappears it can be mean that the stack is being corrupted. Another common
> symptom of stack corruption is returning to weird functions.
> Are you using -m32 to compile the code?  If not can it be compiled with
> -m32?  The latest MinGW compiler is 64-bit by default and it's possible some
> function calls have not been updated resulting in passing 32-bit value when
> a 64-bit value is needed or passing 64-bit values to functions that only
> want 32-bit values.

-m32 vs -m64 doesn't seem to change the behavior at all.

> As for the extra thread the runtime starts a thread for the GC inside the
> initialization routine.  It may still exist with GC.disable().

Ah, that makes sense.

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