What ibuclaw has been doing on his server

Iain Buclaw ibuclaw at ubuntu.com
Mon Jul 9 10:04:46 PDT 2012

Around April, I got myself a new server that I planned to be 
dedicated to all things gdc.  Initially it provided a default web 
page - which will soon have useful links to development, bugs, 
build releases for various architectures / platforms, etc.


Wanting to move away from the bitbucket wiki, and generally being 
annoyed at github wiki. I'd thought I'd host my own.


Yeah yeah yeah, it's a bit ugly, but if anyone is any good at 
theming moinmoin, or has any useful themes to offer, please point 
me in the right direction or perhaps arrange to have access 
granted to the server. :-)

And for the same reasons as above, with the extra reason that D's 
bugzilla now disallows creating new bugs for GDC, I've also 
installed a new bug tracker on the system too.


I'm going to see if I can get it hooked up to a mailing list for 
users to register to, or (with permission?) link my bugzilla 
installation to this mailing list.

As ideally I will be wanting to archive off the bitbucket repo to 
prevent further use in the future, and turn off github issue 
tracker completely (once the initial issues some people have 
raised have been moved or closed down).  I am proposing that 
people start using the following links provided as the means of 
further contributing all documentation and bug raising through 
these new channels if you don't mind updating your bookmarks.  
However all will be subject to just how well it goes getting the 
last few pieces set-up. =)

Any comments / suggestions.  Please feel free to provide them.


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