How to turn off warnings as errors

rikki cattermole rikki at
Sun May 22 03:02:17 UTC 2022

On 22/05/2022 2:56 PM, Chris Piker wrote:
> These are dub packages and I don't see how to set '-Wno-error' from the 
> dub command line. Since I'm reluctant to change every dub.json file that 
> I encounter, is there a global flag that will turn off -Werror for gdc?

This is a dub issue, it has nothing to do with the compiler.

$ DFLAGS="..." dub ...

However if you hit these issues, its because there is a problem with 
that package.

In the case with memutils, it hasn't even got a working CI right now.
Nor is this the only issue it has that would mean it won't compile[0].


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