GDC 0.19

Jeremy Jeremy_member at
Wed Jul 12 11:06:23 PDT 2006

In article <e92iqq$6jq$1 at>, Hasan Aljudy says...
>Derek Parnell wrote:
>> On Wed, 12 Jul 2006 03:47:33 -0400, David Friedman wrote:
>>>Binaries are now available!
>>>Download here:
>>>Release Notes for 0.19
>>>     * Fixed D Bugzilla bugs 141(gdc), 157, 162, 164, 171, 174, 175, 
>>>192, 229
>>>     * Applied Dave Fladebo's suggestion for -O3 in gdmd
>>>     * Updated to DMD 0.162
>>>     * The version symbol for FreeBSD is now "freebsd"
>>>     * Enabled std.loader for FreeBSD
>>>     * Implement offsetof in assembler
>>>     * Support building with Apple's GCC (4.0 only)
>>>     * Fix parallel builds
>> I've never used your GDC but that doesn't stop me from saying how much I
>> appreciate your work in this. I know that it is *not a trivial* task by any
>> stretch of the imagination. Thanks, David.
>Fully agree

Agree and thanks David! I may switch over to GDC just for the GDB and objdump
support with MinGW :)

- jeremy

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