Build version 3.01

Derek Parnell derek at psych.ward
Fri Jun 9 18:31:37 PDT 2006

On Sat, 10 Jun 2006 01:00:26 +1000, dickl <dick221z at> wrote:

> I still have a problem.. you must have missed  the last 3.00 post
> Anyway.. Optlink doesn't always create the executable correctly if the  
> linker options are on a separate line (after the .res file)

During my testing it always worked with the switches on their own line so  
the "doesn't always" aspect is a concern.

> e.g. the ksp file created looks like this
> foo.obj
> foo.exe
> kernel32.lib+user32.lib
> foo.def
> foo.res
> /noi/map
> for Optlink to form the executable correctly it need to look like this
> foo.obj
> foo.exe
> kernel32.lib+user32.lib
> foo.def
> foo.res/noi/map

I've just reread the OptLink documentation yet again and it does  
explicitly address this issue. It does however say "Option switches may be  
entered after any response." which could be interpreted as either the  
switches need to *immediately* follow any of the files supplied or they  
need to be on their own line. Anyhow, let's see what I can come up with.  

Derek Parnell
Melbourne, Australia

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