sslot version 0.2

Kirk McDonald kirklin.mcdonald at
Mon Nov 20 02:16:29 PST 2006

Don Clugston wrote:
> Kirk McDonald wrote:
>> I would appreciate it if (in the future) you included the text of the 
>> license at the top of the source files (in a plain comment, not a 
>> doc-comment).
> I really don't want to include the full text of the license. Would a 
> link suffice?

Probably. If you look through the Pyd sources, you'll see that all of 
them include the text of the MIT license at the top. Putting the actual 
text of the license in there makes it that much more explicit. It's just 
a style thing, though, so I won't stress too much about it.

>> Second, Pyd itself is released under the MIT license. If Wikipedia's 
>> rundown of the differences between the two is correct, then to comply 
>> with the BSD license on Nameof I just need to include "meta.Nameof and 
>> meta.Demangle are copyright (C) 2005-2006 Don Clugston" in Pyd's docs. 
>> Is this correct?
> Yes.
> Really, all I want to do with the license is to provide reassurance that 
> there will never be legal issues associated with the code. From what 
> I've heard, BSD/MIT licenses are better than public domain for this.

I agree. It's why Pyd is MIT licensed. :-)

Kirk McDonald
Pyd: Wrapping Python with D

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