Steve Yegge's rant on The Next Big Language

Mon Feb 12 09:25:04 PST 2007

Jarrett Billingsley wrote:
> Except for the typing system (though it could certainly get there), the 
> absolute lack of tools, and missing about half of the Kitchen Sink points ;) 

Half?, more like one or two hard misses and a few more close calls.

I can kill one close calls:

 >4 Destructuring bind (e.g. x, y = returnTwoValues())

If I'm reading it right this does that, and nicely:

struct SetT(V...)
   V args_m;
   static SetT go(inout V args)
     SetT ret;
     foreach (i, arg; args) ret.args_m[i] = arg;
     return ret;
   void opCall(inout V args)
     foreach (i, arg; args_m) args[i] = arg;

SetT!(int,int) bar(int i, int j)
   return SetT!(int,int).go(i,j);

void main()
	int i=1,j=2,k=0,l=0;


	writef("[k,l]=[%d,%d]\n", k,l);

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