Tango Graphics Package

Bill Baxter dnewsgroup at billbaxter.com
Thu Jul 12 14:07:40 PDT 2007

Mike Parker wrote:
> Oskar Linde wrote:
>> Mike Parker wrote:
>>> Tango is going visual! Headless visual! With the addition of a 
>>> general purpose 2D graphics package, Tango users will be able to 
>>> generate 2D images on the fly for use in a variety of applications, 
>>> on the server or the desktop. The package supports basic 2D 
>>> primitives, complex shapes, fonts, alpha-blending, transformations, 
>>> paths, styles, and other common 2D graphics operations. The design is 
>>> inspired by several existing APIs, such as Java2D and OpenVG, so 
>>> anyone who has experience with other APIs should be able to get up 
>>> and running quickly.

Are you using a nice anti-aliased renderer to do the pixel pushing? 
Something like AGG ported to D would be cool.  It seems to be aiming at 
about the right level -- cross platform, only knows how to render to 
bitmaps internally.  I know there are folks using AGG for server side 
image gen (if not directly then at least thorough Matplotlib, which uses 
AGG as its renderer).


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