Flower opened

Don Clugston dac at nospam.com.au
Tue Jun 5 00:15:29 PDT 2007

bobef wrote:
> jcc7 Wrote:
>> By the way, the flower may very well die on the vine with such a cryptic license.
> From my point of view it is already dead. I posted it just because it have some good stuff in there that may be useful to someone. About you flies question - yes, I am pretty sure flies are sentient beings, but if there are few lines of my code on the page and few lines of your code then which code is the reason? Another question - is the code the reason for your friend to kill the fly or the paper, or maybe the reason is in your friend? Is there reason at all? Guys, lets skip the crap. If you find the code useful - use it for good. Or don't. I don't care really. Just don't use it to make a flies exterminating piece software or library with license that allows it to be used in flies exterminating software.

I admire your sentiment, but I think that using lawyers to enforce ethical 
behaviour is not the right approach...
Better to avoid the legal language, and say something like:
"the author requests that ..."
and put it under a standard license.

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