dsource.org Planned Outage Friday, March 2

Frits van Bommel fvbommel at REMwOVExCAPSs.nl
Thu Mar 1 09:29:56 PST 2007

Brad Anderson wrote:
> dsource.org will have a planned outage tomorrow, Friday, March 2.
>  * The site will be down most of the day, starting at 9am EST (GMT -5)
>  * Duration is unknown, but I would expect 8 hours.  Hopefully it will be shorter.

>  * We are transferring to slicehost.com hosting, so the result should be
> stupid-fast everything and tons of bandwidth.  Also, the db locking problem
> has been back the past week or two and I hope this move takes care of whatever
> software package on the current server is causing it.

If this works as advertised ("fast & tons of bandwidth"), I'd say it 
would be well worth it. The slowness is the thing that annoys me most 
when browsing DSource.

>  * Unfortunately, this process is bound by the upstream bandwidth from the
> current server to the slice.
>  * To prevent write activities while doing the transfer (wiki, svn, forums,
> tickets, etc.), the entire site needs to be down.  I am going to attempt some
> configuration things, so the site possibly will be up read-only, but if that
> doesn't work, the entire thing will be inaccessible.

Very much understandable. Good luck.

>  * I apologize if this message sounds like I'm treating you all as
> crack-addict fiends who can't bear to be 'without' for any period of time.

We'll survive :P.

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