Stick a fork in it

Jeff jeffrparsons at
Fri May 11 22:58:42 PDT 2007

I really like this idea; this is one of the "lateral" changes I've been 
wanting. By that I mean changes that take a step sideways and change the 
way things are currently done, rather than moving forward with new 
features etc.

A couple of the others that I'd love to see:

- Phobos in a public repo
- Decoupling of the D compiler from Phobos (and maybe division of Phobos 
into separate libs) to avoid all the hacks people need to employ to use 
alternatives such as Tango

There are others I can't think of now, but I'd be interested in knowing 
what other changes people have been hoping for that fall into that 
category. (Eep, scope creep in my message; maybe this should be a 
separate thread? :P) They seem like the sort of changes to be considered 
as soon as possible, to make moving forward later easier and cleaner.

Jeff :)

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