GalaxyCrusade, a Game+Engine completely from scratch in D

Bill Baxter dnewsgroup at
Mon Sep 17 06:23:27 PDT 2007

Extrawurst wrote:
> Bill Baxter schrieb:
>> Looks great!
> thanks a lot. i will forward that to the involved artitst ;)
>> You should ;-) Go on more about how D worked for you, I mean.  And 
>> also maybe throw in anything you ran into that was difficult.  
>> Basically it would be great if you could write up a postmortem of the 
>> project that focus on how the choice of D helped or hindered your 
>> project.  Then maybe submit it to Gamasutra, or to the Game Developers 
>> Conference.
> well thats kind of a good idea. is there any formal spec how to write a 
> postmortem ? i never did yet. or do i just write down why i did some 
> central dicissions (e.g using D) and what problems appeared and so on ?

Yeh that's basically it.  Just describe what your goals were with the 
game, what decisions you made, how those decisions panned out, what came 
up along the way, and how well you were able to meet your original goals 
in the end.   And in this case, try to focus mostly on the role D 
played. :-)

If written well, I have a feeling such an article would go over well 
with editors who've seen the same "hey we wrote a game!" articles 1000 
times.  By focusing on D you would bring a new twist, and hopefully an 
editor will come away convinced that D has potential to be a C++ killer 
in the games industry and be eager to get that story out to his readers. 
  It doesn't really matter if it's true or not.  Editors love writing 
provocative lead lines like "will your next game be written in D?" or 
"Will D replace C++?"

Disclaimer: I don't have any first hand experience with writing 
something like this myself, but my buddies at school managed to get a 
writeup of their game course project into Gamasutra, and that was just a 
run-of-the-mill C++/DX8 engine.


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