Polishing D on Reddit

Georg Wrede georg at nospam.org
Thu Jan 24 20:00:52 PST 2008

Walter Bright wrote:
> Unknown W. Brackets wrote:
>  > http://www.unknownbrackets.com/tutorials/polishing-d

I entirely agree with the article.

Virtually all of the things mentioned have been discussed repeatedly on 
this NG, in several episodes, some throughout this millennium.

I can however, from my own experience in similar situations, relate to 
Walter's subjective situation as the central spider on his "web". Any 
time he considers doing any of the mentioned things, it *feels* like it 
would be time wasted because the Main thing (i.e. developing D and DMD) 
suffer. It doesn't help that one *cognitively* knows that fixing them 
once and for all literally is more important than a month's worth of 
D/DMD development. It's simply a case of heart and mind disagreeing. And 
as we all know, it's the heart that wins.

What can I say? I simply suggest that Walter take four weeks /totally/ 
off from the development, and prints out the article, and sets out to 
fix each single issue, ticking them off with a ball-point pen as they're 

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